The cows were beyond thrilled to get on some green grass...usually we walk them out of the barn and up the hill to our pasture on route 217. We had to do things a little differently this year as we are putting some hay land into vegetable production which forces us to be a little tighter with our hay making. We plan on cutting the 217 pasture for hay and for that reason do not want it grazed this spring. So instead of walking them through their normal rotation, we decided to trailer them up to their hillside pasture below our brother and sister in laws house.

Lets just say it went....OK. The trailer pretty much means only one thing to our herd...goodbye, not see ya later, but a permanent good bye, as in the freezer. They instantly get animated and noisy when it comes around. The move by trailer was a little more stressful for them than the walk though the fields...lots of mooing as they were momentarily separated from each other. A few jumped out the opening in the barn where the waterer sits...it definitely was not a boring job we really hate boring around here!!!. As you can see, they are happy now...and so are we.
Nice looking blog great to see what going on.Tell Chris I said hello Jay